What have been your experiences switching from corporate to a startup?

I’ve been at my current job for about a year and a half, I’m comfy which is great, the team is great, excellent people and work is chill. Pay is also great. It is not entirely corporate but it is a “startup inside a corporation” so dynamics are different than a corp but not entirely startup-like.

I’ve just been presented with an opportunity at an early stage startup. I have the skills but would be out of my comfort zone while I adapt to some of the tech.

Pay is just a bit higher but they give stock. The startup has been around for about 2 years.

The company is waaay smaller than where I currently work, so I may get more exposure and more opportunities to grow, but would definitely be less chill.

I’m always open to new challenges and I get FOMO like “what if I don’t try this out?”. I understand all startups are different but would like to know what you experiences have been and what do you suggest me to do or to think about.
