My trade, not yours.
I made a trade here earlier, fully informed. Knowing what i had was of great value, the person i traded with made sure to let me know what i had and even went on to offer me more and more for it but i only wanted some mods. Thats all. The mask isnt anything to me. Even still, I was told that they were recieving angry messages over our trade. They were very kind they even informed me that the mods i was after would not work for my build(Non PA). Im happy with our trade and I wish them nothing but the best but hearing that others outside the trade went out of their way to message them is disappointing to hear. Maybe it was out of some misguided social justice or maybe you were just upset it wasnt you who got this deal. Either way, it was my trade, not yours.
And to the person i traded with thank you, you were nothing but kind and helpful and went out of your way to offer me more and more. The messages you got are entirely undeserved.
(For those asking it was Glowing jack)