My expectations on new buffs:
I'm more exited for Ace and osobamask buffs, rather than akainu's (like it's only natural that he'll be broken af) and hina is a step-up so Im not really expecting to be good in this meta.
ACE: ace has crit increase with skills 1 for 20 seconds, and his skill 1 Cooldown is also 20 seconds, so he'll never run out of crits. Plus his normals are similar to izo (maybe better) and range is insanely good, plus he got damage increase on aflame infliction. He'll be Solid unit but have to look out for rogers (one shot monster)
OSOBA MASK: he got 20% shield 🛡️ and 50% def increase and we all know that def + shield characters are goated (garp and jabra). with koala he'll be tanky af, cuz he's not built for deal more damage anyway.
What's your opinion, you all?