Even with all the progress and momentum, man, the “passes” still suck every time.

Hey, I’m back for more emotional support.

I’ve posted about this project of mine before. Started as a feature, shifted to a pilot, attached talent & director, then developed with a vet EP who is now pitching it with us. This isn’t my only project, but it’s my most developed and my first, and it’s my baby.

EP set us up with some pitches about a week ago. Real interest with real shot callers at some of the best indie production companies in the game right now.

Both were slated to be half hour meetings at most, both ended up going 60-90 minutes because the parties were so engaged. They both pushed their next meetings to stay on with us. Questions, strategies, rapport-build was excellent. Each of them commented on rarely they see a pitch & project as strong as this one. Said they’d be in touch within a week.

Team was feeling excellent. Came away thinking that one was more likely than the other, and it was the co. that we preferred.

Anyway — we got a pass from that preferred company yesterday, and a “Hollywood yes” (I.E., “no”) from the other. EP is pretty surprised, as is the rest of the party.

We’re moving on and scheduling more. I understand that the market is hard, and these “no”s are from bigger & bigger people, and it’s all a part of the process to find that one “yes”. We all still have confidence that it will land — hell if anything, their reactions tell me that we actually have something good! And I am grateful to even be making these impressions; I’m effectively a baby in this business.

But after thinking this was “it”, to have to keep running — goddamn if don’t just take the wind out of your sails 😭

Just looking for support. Would love your stories & anecdotes & wisdoms & tough loves