Am I actually kidding myself here?
Been sitting refreshing and trying both the artist and O2 presale since about 2 hours before the artist presale even started just to make sure I was in with a chance. All day all evening. I'm getting more and more disheartened seeing posts of people saying it worked for them in the past couple hours even, when that's what I've been doing too.
Yes, I know it's ridiculously highly sought after, yes, I know Ticketmaster is a shambles. But do I actually reasonably have a chance at LiveNation/general sale?
I have never felt so anxious, upset and disheartened over a bloody concert before. Utterly hopeless and yet here I am, refreshing and typing in bloody codes. My life has become the Ticketmaster and O2 priority apps for the last 2 days.
Am I really fighting a losing battle here?