Not planning on doing a Black Sabbath set. How does this news make you feel after getting tickets?
I didn't get tickets but I think I'd personally feel a bit disappointed seeing this after paying all that money and going through that Ticketmaster hell I've seen so many talk about. I know he's not in great health but if I knew it was just going to be "little bits and pieces" I probably wouldn't have got as excited as I did. I could be very wrong but, I can see this being a lot like the rock N roll hall of fame performances. More of a tribute show than a farewell show. The other bands will play most of the Sabbath/Ozzy songs throughout the show, maybe a couple of guest vocalists with Sabbath and barely a handful of songs with Ozzy at the end. Thats just what I'm guessing and can be totally wrong! I still hope everyone has a good time at the show.
I didn't get tickets but I think I'd personally feel a bit disappointed seeing this after paying all that money and going through that Ticketmaster hell I've seen so many talk about. I know he's not in great health but if I knew it was just going to be "little bits and pieces" I probably wouldn't have got as excited as I did. I could be very wrong but, I can see this being a lot like the rock N roll hall of fame performances. More of a tribute show than a farewell show. The other bands will play most of the Sabbath/Ozzy songs throughout the show, maybe a couple of guest vocalists with Sabbath and barely a handful of songs with Ozzy at the end. Thats just what I'm guessing and can be totally wrong! I still hope everyone has a good time at the show.