Boss ME-90 or Boss GX-100

I’ve been doing a lot of research on these two multi effects units lately and have been debating on which to actually buy. I’ve seen a lot of great things about both but still can’t actually figure out what would be the better one for my needs. I’m currently using an ME-50 so either one will be a huge upgrade. The ME-50 has served me well over the years but the sound cutting out when switching between presents is an annoyance and the lack of a recording option is a big buzzkill as well now that I’m interested in doing that.

Some things I want out of the unit are good modern metal tones, ability to record directly into a computer without additional hardware and no lag in the sound when switching between presets. I know the GX-100 can definitely take care of all of these requirements but may be a bit of overkill if the ME-90 can do these all as well.

Does anybody have experience with either of these or both that can tell me if the ME-90 could do all of this? I know I could find out about the recording thing online but the lag between presets and metal tones aren’t ever talked about in videos I’ve seen.