XBox Deathclaw Hand Auction 2025 bidding closes at 8pm central time
H: 1 Polished W: 2 Pack Rat's
How does it feel.. to be weighted down.. Almost time to unload all of those Deathclaw Hands. Watch for the official auction post tomorrow morning at approx 9am, bidding will close at 8pm CST (GMT-6) Good Luck!
H: Bad experience, W: helpful input
[XB1] H: giveaway 200 big guns just pick a number 1-60 and who’s ever closes i’ll give them it
Want that trophy? Want to win? A bonus prize will be given to the top Deathclaw Hand bidder at Friday's XBox auction. Details in description
H: David’s Trophy W: 125 leaders
XBox Deathclaw Hand Auction 2025
Save Your Leaders! Use Deathclaw Hands to bid on items this Friday (XBox)
Did you catch the news? XBox Auction this Friday. Use Deathclaw Hands to bid on masks, mods, junk, and more. Link in description below.
Q: What Has 5 Digits, Weighs 5 lbs, and Can Get You a Glowing Mask? A: Link in Description
H: Lots of Items W: Deathclaw Hands
H: 350 Fluorescent W: 300 Crimson
The Tattered Field Jacket Bros
H:Glow Minotaur W:Silly Offers, with a sales pitch
H: GAbe, GAlien, GBD, Brahmin, Buffoon, DC, Demon, Loon, Raven, Winter Man W: GJack, GVeggie, GUni, GRobot, GMino, Fiend
H: Caps W: Crimson
W: 2x Uny | H: 2x OE
no one guessed my number for my xbox giveaway again so ill go even lower pick a number between 1-75 for a chance to win a winter man mask good luck
H: 40K caps W: 300 Crimson
H: 80K caps W: Crimson, Yellowcake
How much would these cost to get now
My trade, not yours.
H: The right gear setup W: Tips or help with gleaming depths guardian